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Ring The Bell

by Ted W. Blanchard

July 4, 2001

The Original LIBERTY BELL.  Click to enlarge.Why did a common metal bell come to be near synonymous with Liberty ?

I submit that it is because a standard bell and Liberty have much in common:

1) A bell must have support. Place the most beautiful and acoustically perfect bell on the ground and it stands no chance of ringing out. Support it to where it is above the surroundings and it will be heard for miles. Typically, bells are lofted to the highest point possible - a church belfry or a courthouse roof. The higher the level of support, the farther the sound will carry, and the greater the number of people who will hear it.

2) In order for a bell to produce sound, a blow must be struck. Thinking about it ringing, writing about it ringing, telling friends about how you love to hear it ring will all result in one thing - silence.

Deliver a blow and the bell will ring out. Strike softly and the bell will sound gently - only those close by will hear it and the sound will soon fade to silence. Strike it more forcefully and the sound will be loud. Many more people will hear it and the sound will continue for a longer period. Strike with everything you have and the bell will reverberate so strongly that no one can ignore its tone.

3) A single blow - even of considerable force - will make a sound that eventually fades and dies. If you want to continue to hear the sound, continuous blows must be delivered, at regular intervals and with undiminished force. It need not be one person who delivers the blows. One person after another delivering their own individual blow has an identical effect - the continued ringing of the bell.

4) A well built bell, supported to a place above its surroundings, and then struck with a goodly blow, will send a sound, pure and clear, for miles in every direction. The bell does not care what the political climate around it may be. The bell does not care that some within earshot take offense at the sound. The sound, especially when continuous, puts fear in the hearts of those who oppose its message: FREEDOM !! And the sound puts courage in the hearts of those who hold its meaning dear in their hearts. The sound encourages patriots to ACT in concert, to take up hammers in other bell towers and ring from those as well. It inspires many to spread the message across the land. It is a call of celebration and a CALL TO ACTION.

Support your Liberty. Elevate it above the surroundings of moral decay and failed virtue. Strike a blow for liberty - don't just talk about it ! Continue to strike blows lest Liberty fade into silence. Care not that some take offense - more people support Liberty than oppose it ! Ring out loud and clear, put courage in the hearts of your fellow patriots and fear in the hearts of the oppressors ! Strike a blow for Liberty. NOW !