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What is the REAL message behind the Brady Bunch Flash presentation?
Kurt Amesbury, J.D.

RE: Brady Campaign's Hateful "Flash" Movie  (backup copy here in case they remove it again, but please use their server's resources if it's still up on their site)

Opening scene. Note the bald guy on the right side in the blue shirt. He is sitting in front of a guy in glasses, next to a black guy and behind a woman with short hair in a red shirt. The "Charlton Heston" character is one row back and to the left.

In the next scene, the woman in red has magically flown across the cabin to sit on the other side. She, or the black guy, have moved a row, and the black guy has switched to the other side of the aisle. The guy in the glasses has also moved.

The bald guy is now wearing a yellow shirt. He's sitting next to a black woman who has moved back at least one row. The Charlton Heston guy has switch sides of the aircraft too. The blonde woman and the guy in the black shirt appear to have disappeared.

Oops. She didn't disappear. She just flew around a bit and changed clothes with the woman from row 1.

The bald guy has suddenly exchanged clothes (or heads) with a guy who has hair. The black guy has moved again. A small monkey-like creature appears to have replaced the little girl who started out in the first row.

The guy with glasses has taken over the clothes worn by the guy with hair who took them from the bald guy. The woman in row one has gotten her clothes back from the blonde. The guy with the beard and wearing the black T-shirt has donned a suit.

Bearded guy has changed into the blue shirt the bald guy was wearing in the first fame. The black lady from the first row has move across the aisle and back at least a row to sit next to him in his new seat on the other side of the aircraft.

In this final scene, the guy with the glasses is back in his seat and his clothes. Most people have their clothes back and are back in their original seats, except for the the woman in red and the black woman (who are back in their original row, but have exchanged places) and the little girl in row 1 who has suddenly been cloned and is sitting two rows behind herself.

We really shouldn't be surprised that the Brady Bunch has put out a message that is this scrambled. In reality, it fairly represents their ability to think logically and accurately perceive the world around them. One might ask of them, "What color is the sky in your world?" The answer would be, "White or blue - depending on what frame you're looking at!"

In Bradyland, places, faces, clothes, facts - people - are all interchangeable.

YOU as an individual have no place in their utopia
except as another place filler,
indistinguishable in any way
from the place-fillers to your left and right.

Alternative Conclusion
The Brady Bunch has a large budget for hallucinogenics.'s Additional Conclusions from the Above Analysis

1) The Brady Bunch will deviate from the sensibility of presenting a cohesive statement in lieu of being politically correct and catering to gender and race "quotas" in such a movie -- frame by frame -- because their goal is to convert all races and genders into people who would deny the basic human right to life and liberty.

2) The Brady Bunch assumes people's inattention to detail and thus presents superficial, politically "correct" cross sections of America believing that nobody will notice the fact that they are being played like a fiddle.  In other words, they think you're stupid.

3) The Brady Bunch also thinks their own people are too ignorant or "attention-span challenged" to notice such manipulation -- suggesting that they just may be.