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Man shoots, kills in self-defense rather than being choked to death

Originally ran here as:
Sheriff: Strong case for self-defense in killing
JULY 21, 2001, 04:00 PM, Idaho -- A Gooding man who killed an old friend yesterday was released hours later by authorities who say it appeared a clear-cut case of self-defense.

No charges were filed against Vince Markham in the shooting death of David Bay.

Gooding County Sheriff Shaun Gough says the recording of a phone call Markham made to emergency dispatchers suggests Bay was trying to strangle him with a rope. Markham shot him in the chest with a shotgun.

The two men reportedly had long been friends, but they may have been fighting over a woman.

An autopsy will be conducted, but a final decision about charges will likely wait until Monday.

Gough says the recording corroborates what Markham told investigators about the altercation.

KABA NOTE:  Gun owners respect the right of anti-gun people to choose to be choked to death with a piece of rope. We simply refuse to let them make that choice for us if we are confronted by such a harrowing situation.

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