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Woman shoots, kills would-be rapist

Originally ran here as:
"Woman fatally shoots intruder"
Reporter: Lilla Marigza
WKRN, News 2, Nashville, July 25, 2001

EAST NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE -- A man is dead after police say he tried to sexually assault a woman in her own home. It happened on Russell Street in East Nashville. Click 'Play Video' to watch a live report filed from the scene by News 2's Lilla Marigza .

The shooting happened before Midnight on Tuesday. Police were in and out of the home all night and are still on the scene investigating the shooting. They waited for daylight to allow them to take more photos of the scene for the investigation.

According to police, a woman called 911 and told dispatchers that an intruder had come into her home and attacked her. She defended herself with a handgun. The alleged intruder was taken to Vanderbilt Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Homicide detectives say the man was shot once in the head. According to police, the woman said she knew the man from the neighborhood. They are looking into the nature of the relationship between this man and woman as part of their ongoing investigation into this shooting.

Police also said there was no signs of forced entry into the residence, and one other woman was in the home at the time.

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