A Discourse of Government
with Relation to Militias
by Andrew Fletcher, 1698
Due to the size of this file --
just slightly too large for a database, which is limited to 65,000 characters --
"A Discourse of Government with Relation to Militias" by Andrew
Fletcher is actually archived here: https://www.KeepAndBearArms.com/information/fletcher.asp.
We placed this reference to Fletcher's work in our Militia databased archive so
it could be found among our other militia-related writings, and so a database
search on the author's name would yield a result.
America's founding fathers were
well aware of Fletcher's Discourse. It has been said by some -- Vin
Suprynowicz among them -- that the term "well regulated" found in
the second amendment was coined in A
Discourse of Government with Relation to Militias.