Thief chased away by armed
store clerk
Originally ran here
"Robbery results in gunplay"
August Chronicle, August 5, 2001
AUGUSTA, GEORGIA -- Richmond County authorities
are looking for a man armed with a handgun who robbed a convenience store
Saturday night and shot at the store's clerk before running out with cash.
The man entered Kim's Fast Stop, at 1959
Kissingbower Road, at about 8:30 p.m.
According to Richmond County Sheriff's
Investigator Paul Godden, the suspect posed as a customer and asked the sales
clerk for a cigar. When the clerk turned back around, the man was kneeling on
the counter and pointing a small, semiautomatic handgun at him.
Investigator Godden said the suspect shot at
the clerk but missed, jumped over the counter and grabbed the money from the
cash register before running out of the store. The clerk, brandishing his own
semiautomatic gun, chased the suspect and fired at him several times but also
The man was last seen in a brown-colored older
model GM sedan with silver-tinted windows heading west on Gordon Highway.
He is described as black, between 5 feet, 8
inches and 6 feet tall and weighing between 165-180 pounds. Investigators said
that he might have gold teeth. He was last seen wearing a white T-shirt, white
tennis shoes and a short haircut.
Anyone with information should call the
Richmond County Sheriff's Office at 821-1080.
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