Police describe shooting as
"self defense"
Originally ran here
"Man shot in stomach after argument at apartment complex"
FROM STAFF REPORTS, Longview News-Journal
Published August 10, 2001
TEXAS -- A Longview man was taken to a hospital Thursday night with a gunshot wound to the stomach after an argument at a south Longview apartment complex.
Police say the gunman appears to be the wounded man's brother, acting in self-defense.
The names of the men, who lived at the Townhouse South Apartments, 329 FM 1845, were not immediately available, said police Sgt. Mark Davis.
“There are no criminal charges filed at this time,” Davis said. “It appears this was a self-defense use of force.”
Police were called to the apartments before 10 p.m. Davis said he was told the wounded man had been assaulting his brother when the man shot him.
The wounded man was taken to Good Shepherd Medical Center, and police said they expect him to survive what appears to be a small-caliber bullet wound.
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