SEATTLE - An overnight standoff in West Seattle has left two men in the hospital.
It all began late Monday night when a young man came home and surprised a burglar in his house.
Police tell KOMO 4 News the man called 911 about 11:30 p.m. when he found the front door to his home wide open. What happened next is still a bit of a mystery, but it appears the man fired at least two shots at the man inside. One round hit the suspected burglar in the leg.
When officers arrived they found the homeowner had suffered a serious head injury and was delirious. Since they weren't sure just where or in what condition the suspect was, a standoff ensued that lasted for about two hours.
Police finally spotted the man from a neighbor's balcony. At that point a SWAT team burst into the home and took the man into custody.
The suspected burglar is at Harborview Medical Center in satisfactory condition.
The homeowner is in satisfactory condition as well and police hope to get more information from him later today.
Officers also found the homeowner's dog inside. The dog's mouth had been taped shut and his legs were also bound in duct tape.
The dog is said to be in good condition.
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