Cincinnati, Ohio -- A man police believe was attempting to rob a credit union yesterday was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer.
The man, who had no identification on him, underwent surgery at
University Hospital for gunshot wounds to his back and arm. He died
late yesterday morning at the hospital.
He was described as white, in his early 20s and with red hair.
Police said Eddie Hawkins, an off-duty officer, confronted the man.
Shots were fired inside the Cinfed Credit Union in the city's Roselawn
neighborhood at about 9:30 a.m. Police said they found a five-shot,
.32-caliber handgun on the sidewalk outside the credit union. It was
cocked and fully loaded, police said.
Police Chief Thomas Streicher said that one of the bullets had an
indentation, indicating the man may have tried to shoot but the gun
Hawkins has been on the police force since January 1999, according to
police personnel records.
This is the second time this year a suspect has been shot by police at
the credit union.
The credit union was robbed Jan. 23, and a three-minute chase ensued.
Christian Johnson, 48, of Forest Park was shot three times by police.
He was critically wounded but recovered. He was later convicted of
aggravated robbery and sentenced to 16 years in prison.
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