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Shooting victim may be burglar, city officers say
Originally ran here
Shooting victim may be burglar, city officers say
By Robert Medley, Staff Writer
September 4, 2001
A man hospitalized Monday with a gunshot wound to his chest could be the same person shot by a homeowner in south Oklahoma City, police said.
A homeowner in the 800 block of SE 32 told police he shot a burglar about 5 a.m. Monday, police Sgt. Steve Pistole said. The wounded man fled in a car driven by another man, Pistole said.
About 5:30 a.m. a man called police from N 50 and Santa Fe Avenue. The man said he had been shot in the chest during a robbery. When officers arrived they arrested the driver of the car, Tyrone Ford, 21, and took the wounded man to University Hospital.
The wounded man, whose name was not released, was in critical condition Monday evening, a hospital spokeswoman said.
Ford was held on a complaint of burglary and obstructing an officer. Bail was set at $22,000, a jailer said.
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