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Cab Driver Shoots Would-Be Robber

Originally ran here as:
Cab Driver Shoots Would-Be Robber
by Christi Lowe
WKRN - Channel 2
September 10, 2001

A Metro cab driver fought back shooting a man who robbed him at gunpoint.

Police investigating the incident are calling it a case of self-defense. Unfortunately, the nature of the job makes cab drivers easy targets for robbers, but this time, the driver was prepared to protect himself. Police tell News 2, when he felt his life was at stake the cabbie opened fire.

The cab driver was answering a call at the Rolling Hills Apartment complex. When he took the man to 15th Avenue South he said the suspect stuck a gun in his back and demanded cash, but before the robber could get away, officers said, the driver pulled out a gun and shot him.

The suspect was found walking down the street a few blocks away with wounds to his arm and rear end. Police say he has a long list of crimes on his record and now will have an additional charge of armed robbery tacked on.

Authorities say they're not charging the cab driver with anything, because he was defending himself.

The robber was taken to Vanderbilt Medical Center. Supervisors at Yellow Cab say they do not advise drivers to carry guns in their cars, but they are glad their employee was not hurt.

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