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Grocer kills one of two armed robbers

Originally ran here as:
"Fort Bend man dies in foiled robbery"
Sept. 16, 2001, 11:33PM,  Houston Chronicle

A Fort Bend County man died when a robbery went awry in southwest Houston over the weekend.

Adan Avellaneda Jr., 17, of Needville, died after he was shot in the chest in the 9800 block of Westpark at 11:45 p.m. Saturday, Houston police said.

Avellaneda and another man entered a food store and tried to rob the owner's wife, police reports show. They demanded money and threatened her, police said. Avellaneda was armed with a knife, and the other man had a handgun.

The store owner saw his wife was in danger, police said. He pulled a pistol and shot Avellaneda one time. The other man fled and is still wanted.

The case will be referred to a Harris County grand jury.

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