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Woman holds gun on man who drove car through house

Originally ran here as:
"Woman holds gun on man who drove car through house"
by Associated Press
The Dallas Morning News
September 26, 2001

WACO, TEXAS - A Waco woman received a rude awakening Tuesday morning when a car drove through a wall into her living room.

Ethel Teal, 73, was in bed about 3 a.m. when she heard a crash at the other the end of her house.

"It was like an explosion," she said. "Actually it shook the whole house like an earthquake. I lived through plenty of those when I was in California. But this is Waco, and I didn't know what happened."

A 2001 Toyota Corolla had driven completely inside her living room.

According to Waco police, 28-year-old Pharang Lo of Waco lost control of his car at a curve in the road.

"I came into the room, and at a glance I saw what happened," Teal told the Waco Tribune-Herald. "There was a young man and he was just getting out of his car. I went and got my gun, and when he started to run, I yelled for him to stop. Then I fired a shot into the air, and he sure stopped then. He yelled, 'Don't shoot!'."

Responding officers found Teal holding the driver at the scene with the pistol. Police arrested Lo on a charge of driving while intoxicated. He was taken to the McLennan County Jail, where a spokeswoman said he was released later Tuesday after posting $1,000 bond.

Police said no charges were planned against Teal.

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