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On Gov. Taft and CCW, Published in Toledo Blade

Originally published on this website August 13, 2001

July 4, 2001
Roger A. Keller
4597 S. Rumesy Rd.
Pittsford MI 49271

This is a letter sent to the Toledo Blade and was published in today's, 08-10-01, paper.

Subj: Governor Taft
Date: 8/6/2001 11:21:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Warnpc1
To: letters@The

In an article published on July 26th, 2001 the blade reported that Governor Taft would not sign a concealed weapons bill unless all the law enforcement groups would get on board and support it. A very smart political move on the Governor’s part as he knows full well that all the law enforcement groups will never sign on, there fore he can veto the bill and still preventing him from being labeled an anti gun supporter. When those who support the citizens right to self protection, which the members of the law enforcement communities already have for themselves and their families, and the unarmed crime victims wake up to just what Governor Taft is doing, I would bet there will be a change when Governor Taft comes up for election.

Lawrence M. Warn
Toledo, Ohio

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