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Handgun Restaurant Ban

Originally published on this website August 13, 2001

"Floyd Bayne" wrote:

This letter was submitted via e-mail to the Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, VA) on 2/15/01. It did not make it into print.

Handgun Restaurant Ban

Dear Sirs,

I trust you are well. I write to once again express my concerns about gun control.

Regarding the recent attempt and failure to repeal the "restaurant ban" here in Virginia, I wish to make a point. The premise put forth by the gun control crowd is that we must keep people with "concealed carry" permits from taking their guns into an establishment that serves alcohol. We are to believe that these citizens will proceed to get intoxicated and then shoot up the place.

As a concealed carry permit holder myself please allow me to make you aware of some facts. In order to be granted such a permit one must first apply for the permit with their local police department. You then pay a fee for the privilege of submitting this paperwork. The police then conduct a background investigation on you. They look for any criminal record as well as checking with current and past friends, business associates, school records, and family.

Your medical records are also looked at to determine if you have ever been adjudged mentally unstable. If you are determined to have a criminal record, have been adjudged mentally unstable, or could be considered a person of "poor character" your chances of being granted a permit are pretty slim.

Now after all this investigative work is done the report, along with any commentary by the investigating officer, are submitted to a local circuit court judge who then reviews the report and renders his/her decision. If you are determined to be of "good character" and have no criminal record the judge "shall" grant the permit.

But according to the gun ban bunch we are to believe that these people of good character are going to start going into restaurants, drinking themselves into a drunken stupor, and then start shooting their fellow citizens. Why must commonsense continue to suffer at the hands of this group of gun control ne'er do wells?

Just thought I'd ask.

Floyd C. Bayne

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