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Another citizen responds

From: "J.D. McKim" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 12:28:18 -0700
Subject: Fw: Re: Reply to Republic Article on Guns

At 05:11 PM 8/11/01 EDT, you wrote:

I could have used a better word than " disagreed with the defendant" and used "disbelieved the defendant".

Your article had nothing to do with whether you believed the defendant. It had nothing to do with the law, apart from your little jaunt into creating your own. You wrote,

"...tried to explain to him that regardless of the law..."

Yep, regardless of the law. Regardless of the constitution. Regardless of the people who have used a weapon to save their children's lives. Regardless of the woman who is alive because she had a gun when she needed one. Regardless of the facts, you took it upon yourself to chastise a person who was exercising his constitutional right to bear arms. Then you had the gall to brag about your actions in a newspaper article. Pathetic!

The issue before the court was whom do you believe. The officer testified the gun was under some papers on the seat. The defendant said the gun was in a holster in a crack in the seat.

I think you should re-read your article. You made no mention of questioning the defendant's veracity. I'm sure you asked the officer if there could have been a holster wedged in the seat. Didn't you? Well, maybe you didn't bother.

I follow the laws of the State of Arizona mandated by the legislature.

Evidently not. When was the last time you read the Arizona Constitution? You may want to check out Article 2, Section 26 of the Declaration of Rights. It might surprise you.

But only wanted to point out that time after time I see what I call good hard working, honest people, that in a state of fear or anger, make very bad decisions with a gun.

Time after time we see well-intentioned judges who ignore the Arizona Constitution and the letter of the law, and replace sound jurisprudence with their holier-than-thou political beliefs. I notice you are up for un-election in 2002. You have inspired many people to invest the effort necessary to campaign for your replacement with an unbiased, law-abiding judge.

Mr. Tolby, you should reverse your judgment and clear your victim's record.


J.D. McKim

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