DES MOINES, IOWA -- Des Moines police have filed no charges against a man who shot another man Sunday night.
The shooting on the east side of the city remained under investigation Monday, but police said it appeared that Michael Thomas, 35, was acting in self-defense when he shot Alberto Arellano, 21, of 3200 Indianola Ave.
Arellano was listed in serious condition Monday at Mercy Medical Center.
Thomas was at home at 3522 Dubuque Ave. when Arellano came to the house looking for a 13-year-old girl who also lives there. Police said Arellano encountered a friend of the girl, Donald John, 17, and chased him until John managed to elude him.
Arellano tried to break into the house moments later, police said. They said Thomas came to the side door with a handgun and warned Arellano he could not come in and fired a warning shot.
Police said that as Arellano continued trying to break in and tried to grab the gun, Thomas fired, hitting him with at least three bullets, one in his abdomen.
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