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National ID Destroys Privacy

NOTE: AZDailySun Editor said on Oct 22 that he will be publishing this one soon...

From: "Angel Shamaya" <>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 16:01:58 -0700
Subject: National ID Destroys Privacy


RE: U.S. open door policy in need of an overhaul

-- 297 words --

National ID Destroys Privacy

I read with astonishment your editorial promoting a national ID card with databases of fingerprints for American citizens. Your quote from Alan Dershowitz saying "there is no constitutional right to anonymity" is appalling. Yes, there is. It's called privacy. Privacy in the purchases you make with your own money. Privacy in your whereabouts and what you do in your free time. Privacy in the movies you rent, the organizations you support financially, the newspapers you buy and read.

You admit that a national ID card wouldn't "end the threat of terrorism committed in this country by foreign nationals." But, you opine, "it might make it more difficult for visa holders to conduct the kind of anonymous transactions" that helped make Sept. 11 doable.

Fine. Apply stringent identification protocols to any foreigner, and include the free-flowing Mexican border in your new strategies -- but leave We The American People out of your privacy assault.

If Your View succeeds, accept the abuse by civil authorities. The new "papers" of the 21st century -- touted as "Smart Cards", which smart people will avoid -- will tell the feds and eventually your local law enforcement: what kind of beer you drink, how much and when; when you bought your last pregnancy test, had your last STD checkup, bought your last sleep aid or paid your bills late; and every other personal transaction you don't care to share with anyone whose business it most certainly is not. Bribery becomes a lucrative business when you've got that kind of information about people's private lives.

Do you support the "Digital Angel," too? That is the subcutaneous computer chip that is already designed, developed, produced and ready for use. We've got to keep tabs on people, right?

You people are dizzyingly blind on this issue.

Angel Shamaya
Founder/Executive Director
1109 S. Plaza Way, #136
Flagstaff, Arizona 8001
(520) 522-8833

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