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Home invaders flee after resident fires at them

Originally ran here as:
"S. Side shooting hospitalizes one"
San Antonio Express-News
November 20, 2001

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS -- Three people forced their way into a house in the 4100 block of Scarlet Oak Street on the East Side about 4:30 a.m. Monday and seriously wounded one of the residents in a volley of gunfire, police reported.

Police reports indicate no motive was apparent.

Amij Garcia, 20, was wounded in the lower back and taken to Brooke Army Medical Center in poor condition.

Witnesses told police that intruders demanded to see "the skinny one," and then attacked Garcia, throwing him on the kitchen floor and then shooting him.

The noise awakened another resident, who got a gun and fired several shots at the intruders through his closed bedroom door.

After they came under fire, the attackers backed out of the front door and fled, police were told.

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