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Teenage home invader is shot by resident

Originally ran here as:
"Teen is charged after being shot"
Law and Order
Saint Louis Post-Dispatch
December 12, 2001

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI -- A St. Louis man shot a 17-year-old gunman who tried to invade his home in the 3100 block of Lafayette Avenue on Tuesday morning, authorities said.

Police found the teen-ager lying in the street with a gunshot wound in his abdomen about 4:50 a.m. He first told officers he was the victim of a robbery and assault. Moments later, the homeowner approached police and identified the suspect as the person who kicked in his door and fired several shots at him. The homeowner was not injured.

The suspect was in critical condition Tuesday. Police are seeking burglary and assault charges against him. The homeowner will not be charged.

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