INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA -- A 30-year-old man shot last Tuesday after he allegedly tried to rob a Near-Northside man has died, police
said today.
Leon Williams Jr. of Indianapolis died late Saturday at Wishard Memorial Hospital. A cause of death was not disclosed but
Williams had suffered severe blood loss due to at least one gunshot wound.
The homeowner, 60-year-old Michael Clements of the 2800 block of North Boulevard Place, claimed self-defense. Police investigators have taken a statement from him but made no arrest.
IPD Sgt. Mark Prater said the case will go to the Marion County prosecutor's office for review, probably Wednesday. "It'll be their call," he said.
According to information released today, Clements told police he was inside his home watching the TV soap opera "The Young and the Restless" when Williams came in off the street and yelled, "I want all your money."
Clements told police that he knew Williams from the neighborhood, and that Williams grabbed a pair of scissors and cut a telephone line.
Clements said Williams took cash from him and put him in a choke hold, but Clements managed to break free. Then Clements' wife came in and startled the intruder, who fled from the house. Police say Clements chased him east across Boulevard Place.
Police said Clements, who suffers from a respiratory ailment, shot at the man once with a handgun. The suspect got up and started running
again, and Clements fired again; police believe at least four shots were fired.
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