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Would-be robber killed at store

Originally ran here as:
"Alleged robber killed at store"
by Bill Wasson, Staff Writer
Times Dispatch
January 08, 2002

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA -- One of two men who allegedly pistol-whipped and robbed a South Richmond convenience store owner was shot to death yesterday during a struggle with the owner.

The wounded man fled the store and collapsed on the sidewalk. He was pronounced dead a short time later at Medical College of Virginia Hospitals, police spokeswoman Jennifer Reilly said last night. His identity was not available last night.

The other man escaped in a small, green older-model hatchback, police said.

Reilly said the men matched the descriptions of two men who held up two other stores in South Richmond earlier yesterday.

The shooting took place about 4:40 p.m. inside the S&K Mini-Mart at 3406 Forest Hill Ave., she said. The market is across from Patrick Henry Elementary School, where Forest Hill, Semmes and Dundee avenues converge.

The 52-year-old store owner, whose name was being withheld last night, received cuts on his head and was treated at the scene, Reilly said.

He told police that the two men, both armed with pistols, entered the store, demanded money and began hitting him with their guns, Reilly said.

The owner told police that he got a pistol and fired, striking one of the robbers. Reilly said cash and lottery tickets were taken in the holdup. The owner told police he was alone in the store when the holdup occurred.

Reilly said police were continuing their investigation last night and no charges had been filed against the owner.

Contact Bill Wasson at (804) 649-6465

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