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Man is shot trying to rob gun owner

Originally ran here as:
"Fatal Shooting"
February 06, 2002

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO -- A man is dead after a shooting in northeast Albuquerque on Monday night.

Albuquerque Police tell Action 7 News that the man who was shot, 18 year old Carlos Chavez, was part of a group of three people who tried to rob a gun owner.

Police say Chavez and his two friends, 18 year-old Arthur Pacheco and 21-year-old Joseph Vallegos, saw an ad i n the paper for a gun. Police tell us when they met the gun owner, they beat him and sprayed him with mace in an attempt to steal the gun. The gun owner was also armed. Police say a bullet hit Chavez and his friends drove him to a nearby gas station at San Mateo and Cutler. Chavez was already dead by the time rescue crews arrived on the scene.

The two other men who police claim were involved in the incident are in custody for questioning.

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