Arlington woman shoots alleged intruder
A terrified Arlington woman shot an unarmed intruder through the neck when he barged into her home yesterday afternoon and ignored her warnings to run while he could, police said.
"She warned him a couple of times to leave or she'd shoot him, but he continued to advance on her," Arlington police Lt. John Serson said.
"At one point he reached for the waistband of his pants. She was in fear for her life and fired one round into his neck."
The woman, who police did not identify, lives on Silk Street. Her neighborhood was plagued by a rash of home and commercial break-ins over the weekend, police said.
The alleged intruder, Brian Driscoll, 22, of Arlington, who Serson said is known to police, was in critical condition following surgery last night at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
Neither he nor the woman were immediately charged in connection with the 3 p.m. incident. Driscoll called police for help after fleeing to a relative's apartment on nearby Fremont Street.
According to Arlington police Chief Frederick Ryan, the woman was alerted to Driscoll's presence in her front hallway by one of her dogs' frantic barks.
Ryan advised residents to remain vigilant while police investigate whether Driscoll was involved in the other break-ins.
The thieves "are taking anything of value they can get their hands on," he said.
The woman was licensed to have the handgun, but Ryan said it will be up to the Middlesex County district attorney's office to decide if she shot Driscoll in self-defense.
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