DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA -- A gunshot victim listed in critical condition was identified Saturday as 31-year-old Phillip Clark, Desert Hot Springs Police said.
Clark was wounded Friday after allegedly forcing his way into a 33-year-old woman's home in the 66-700 block of First Street and fighting with her and a 24-year-old man, police said.
Clark was shot in the abdomen with a 12-gauge shotgun by the man, who believed his life was in danger, police said.
Officers are investigating the incident as a stalking case because they responded to four other incidents involving Clark and the other two parties since March 29.
Clark was shot at 1:33 p.m. and ran to a nearby apartment complex where he was found and taken to Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs.
The names of the two other parties involved haven't been released by police.
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