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2002 Darwin Award Nominee

Originally ran here as:
"Gun Owner Shoots Back"
Submitted by: Scott Koon, Reference: KOAT TV
Darwin Awards
February 04, 2002

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO -- Police say three men tried to rob an Albuquerque man who had placed a newspaper ad to sell a gun. The robbers arranged a meeting, then beat and sprayed mace on the gun owner in an attempt to steal the weapon. 

Surprise! The gun seller was also a gun owner. 18-year-old Carlos intercepted a bullet and died before rescue crews arrived.

One can understand the mistake of robbing a man who unexpectedly turns and shoots, but if the robber singles out a victim because he is selling a gun, then tries to steal the weapon, there's no excuse for being surprised to discover he is armed.

As a Darwinian bonus, there's a fairly good chance that the 18-year-old has not yet reproduced...

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