A 30-year-old man was shot dead Saturday afternoon after he forced his way into the home of his estranged wife, according to Spokane Police.
Staff Sgt. Chad Jones, from the 92nd Maintenance Squadron at Fairchild Air Force Base, was dead when police arrived on the scene shortly after noon.
The shooting occurred at 2918 W. Sixth. The gray house with red trim is in a small neighborhood between High Bridge Park and Government Way.
Jones was shot by a 23-year-old man who was in the house with Jones' estranged wife at the time, according to police.
Moments before the shooting, a friend of Jones had just ushered the woman's two daughters -- ages 4 and 7 -- out of the house and into a car, according to Sgt. Dan Torok.
The children were with friends of the family Saturday night, Torok said.
The shooter and the 26-year-old woman were questioned by police. At press time no determination had been made on what, if any, charges would be sought.
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