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PICTURED ABOVE:  Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry embracing gun control activist Sarah Brady in Washington, DC on September 13, 2004. Kerry rebuked president George W. Bush for letting the ban on "assault weapons" expire.

PICTURED ABOVE:  Gun control advocate Sarah Brady plots new gun ban strategies with Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry at campaign event in Washington, DC on September 13, 2004.

PICTURED ABOVE: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry, flanked by gun banning Senators Schumer, Feinstein and Kennedy (left to right), gives thumbs up after all four helped kill the Senate bill to protect the firearms industry from frivolous lawsuits.
PICTURED ABOVE:  Sen. John Kerry at Boston anti-gun rally October 3, 2000 -- with signs that read "GUN OWNERS KILL!" and "BAN ALL GUNS".
PICTURED ABOVE:  Sen. John Kerry, seen from behind, addressing anti-gun rally in Boston on October 3, 2000.

PICTURED ABOVE:  Boston Globe's website offers the following suggestion for getting the most out of their search engine:

Hint: Put phrases and proper names in quotation marks, e.g., "gun control", "John Kerry"

Click the image to enlarge it and see for yourself. This image was taken as a screenshot on September 14, 2004 at the following page: Boston Globe is the largest newspaper in Sen. Kerry's home state of Massachusetts.