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Armed intruder shot by former roommates

WICHITA, Kansas, May 1 – An intruder, apparently trying to rob his former roommates, was shot and killed over night in south Wichita.

Police were called to the home in the 2000 block of south Greenwood around two this morning.

The homeowner told them that 28-year-old Tony McGee kicked down the front door, and, armed with a weapon, threatened him.  Police say that’s when the homeowner’s nephew, who also lived there, shot and killed the intruder.  “This individual in recent past had robbed this place once before, robbing two individuals, it had not been reported,” Lt. Ken Landwehr of the WPD said. “In the past few weeks, our subsequent investigation shows he’s been robbing people he seems to know, taking money from them by force.”

McGee was pronounced dead at the hospital around 2:30 this morning. He suffered gunshot wounds in the arm, leg and back.
The District Attorney will now look into the case, to see if any charges should be filed. (original publication source)

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