Physicians & Firearms: What Will Your Doctor Prescribe?
Your physician might soon receive a copy of the American Medical
Association's (AMA) "new guide for physicians on how to counsel their
patients about firearm safety."1 Funded by the anti-gun Joyce
Foundation, about 70,000 copies of the guide will be distributed
nationwide. Under the guise of "patient counseling," doctors using the
AMA materials will be discouraging people from owning or using firearms.
We haven't seen a copy of the guide yet, but it is described as
"a safety primer [which] offers doctors an overview of the public health
and clinical issues involved in firearm use, including a review of the
epidemiology of gunshot injuries and deaths."2 We anticipate that the
guide contains the bogus statistical claims that merely having a gun in
your home greatly increases your risk of being killed by a person with
somebody's gun. JPFO and others have debunked these statistics,3
but the gun prohibitionists will likely be peddling these stats without
providing the opposing views.
One section of the guide reportedly also "describes different
types of guns and ammunition doctors should know about."
JPFO agrees that doctors, and everyone else, should have a working
knowledge of firearms. Unfortunately, however, the guide will
likely describe firearms not as tools or potential life savers ... but
more like a medical book might describe a virus, a poison, or a biting
Competent firearms instructors need not fear competition from
doctors. We'd be astounded if the AMA guide teaches real gun safety,
e.g., how to carry a firearm, how to position the trigger finger when
not actually shooting, how to clear the chamber, how to always point
the firearm in a safe direction, safe cleaning techniques, and how to
remove a misfired round. And we are unaware of any plans for the AMA to
build shooting ranges for its members ... or their patients.
Every new wave of "gun control" activism brings a new
opportunity to get our message out to interested people. Don't let the
AMA's propaganda go unchallenged. Here's your action item list:
1. Buy a 25-copy bundle of JPFO's special report entitled "Disarming the
Data Doctors." ($19.95 U.S. post paid). Send or deliver copies to
doctors and other health care professionals. Send them anonymously if
you want ... but get the information to them. Include a very brief note
to say that this report will counteract the what the AMA is preaching in
its new "gun violence" guide.
2. Get copies of Brasco the Bear (tm) Firearm Safety coloring books for
younger kids -- so that they will learn real gun safety with a balanced
3. If you haven't taken a professional gun safety course, then you
should enroll in one soon. You will not only learn how to operate
firearms safely (and accurately), but you will also be able to see the
big difference between the AMA's approach and true gun safety information.
About the author
This article comes to you courtesy of JPFO, Inc., America's aggressive,
no-compromise, civil rights organization. JPFO offers books, booklets, children's
materials, timely articles, billboard messages and Internet e-mail alerts. Bold
strategies using these materials can motivate all Americans to celebrate and
preserve all of the Bill of Rights for all citizens -- including the fundamental
right to keep and bear arms. Contact JPFO at P.O. Box 270143, Hartford, WI
53027 or by calling (262) 673-9745. Website: