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Enforcing Gun Control Laws?

by Nick Aguilera


The National Rifle Association has said it, and others have repeated it, but for supporters of the Second Amendment, it is the wrong Answer. Why? The Answer is quite simple, in fact, it is stated in the wording of the Second Amendment itself in the words: 


It seems to me that, just as we say the Legislators have missed those four words, so has the NRA and many other gun owners who advocate that line. Now I do support the NRA in its education programs, etc..., as well as its attempt to "protect" our right to keep and bear arms, my problem with them is their repeating over and over again that we just "need to enforce the gun laws." Gun laws? Aren't these gun laws infringements upon the Right to Keep and Bear Arms? YES! More Laws don't make less criminals, they Make More. 

These same gun laws that the NRA and others want ENFORCED have created criminals of people we once called the "law-abiding" citizens, and supporting the enforcement of such clearly Unconstitutional laws, is SUPPORTING the Erosion of our Rights. Is it not 
these same gun laws that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms tried to enforce in Waco, TX and at Ruby Ridge in Idaho? We all remember what happened with the enforcement of the Gun Laws there. Did the NRA or others Praise the ATF for good job in trying to ENFORCE those laws? Had there been no Gun Laws (and ATF), we never would have had a Ruby Ridge or probably a Waco, or any number of other incidents relating to the Enforcement of the Gun Laws, where someone dies.

It is these same gun laws that prevent us from possessing the Needed weaponry to defend ourselves, our states, and our Nation from Foreign invaders and a Despotic Government. Wasn't the Second Amendment added as a protection against a Tyrannical 
Government? Didn't our founders want us to bear the same arms as the Military? We can't, because of the Gun Laws. If we convert a gun to Full-Auto (a military weapon) or cut a shotgun barrel below 18 inches (military application) -- we go to jail.

We don't need to Enforce the Laws, we need to eliminate the infringements upon our Right to Keep and Bear arms, ALL Victim-Disarmament Laws. Criminals don't obey these Laws, so why should We be bound by these victim-disarmament laws? Are the supporters of enforcement going to Support Gestapo-Like tactics from the Federal Government when they attempt to enforce these laws? How many former "law-abiding" (our fellow gun owners) are we going to lock up because they carry a concealed weapon 
without a "permit" for their personal protection? How many are we going to put away for cutting the barrel of their shotgun below 18 inches or converting a weapon to full auto? or Building a "silencer" so they don't make so much noise when they practice their marksmanship? 

How many will we put away for possessing a formerly legal weapon, who refuse to give it up (like the SKS in California, etc.)? Will we support Gun Law Enforcement when they decide to ban all guns? Will you turn yourself in? Or your Parents, or siblings, for Breaking 
these laws?. Remember, what you were free to do yesterday, can become a crime tomorrow with the stroke of pen, and the vote of "Yea" by a Legislator. Laws don't make less criminals; they make more. Without some serious focus on the part of activists soon, we won't be able to possess our favorite firearm -- and we will wind up like Australia, England or Canada. Is that what you people calling for "enforcement" want?

The NRA is a Giant voice in the Movement to Preserve our Right To Keep and Bear Arms; if you want to support them, do so. I ask though, that as supporters you make Make your voices heard. Tell them you want NO COMPROMISE, You want them to stand strong for the 2nd amendment and you want them to live by the "shall not be Infringed" part. Tell them to fight for repeal of the laws, not enforcement of infringements on your rights.

Support the Whole 2nd Amendment, not Just part of it (The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, minus the last part). Remember, "Shall not be infringed" means exactly what it says.

Nick Aguilera

Second Amendment

Notes from Angel Shamaya

It is a simple matter to discover the true meaning of the Second Amendment.  All you need to do is read from the writings of the people who founded our nation.

In hopes all who support the second amendment lite (revisionist version that allows for a seemingly unlimited number of infringements), I provide links that you may click to in order to arrive at the Truth.


Until you stand up and support the REAL Second Amendment, your support of the second amendment lite is damaging to our cause.

Or, in the words of Jim at

"If you're not working for the Second Amendment, you're working against it."

Do not police the Second Amendment; Second Amendmentize the police.