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Reforming the NRA

from Neal Knox and Dr. Bill Davis

 January 16, 2001

To change NRA we must change the constituency to which the NRA Board responds.

The State Director bylaw will do that by making the Board responsive to the members who know them, who now complain without effect about excessive NRA fundraising, overgrading of political candidates, ignoring of important NRA programs, and many other long-standing issues.

The Untainted Elections bylaw would put a stop to NRA vendors and contractors funding the election campaigns of those who approve their contracts; and it will stop the corrupt practice of NRA employees, and employees of affiliated organizations dependent upon the leadership's largess, from actively working for those who sign their paychecks.

As you probably know, both Bylaw amendments will be on the ballot in the March magazines, which will go in the mail by Feb. 15.

Here's a Word document containing the same message as the full page ads scheduled for Shotgun News. It will print out on an 8 1/2 x 11 page using MS Word or any modern program capable of reading Word documents. If your computer setup doesn't allow you to read a Word document, click here to read it as a .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) file.

Please post this ad on any personal, club, or gun-related web page to which you have access. And send this Word doc to as many NRA supporters as possible so they can further circulate it by email, and print it for flyers at ranges, gun shows, club meetings and wherever else NRA members gather.


Neal Knox and Dr. Bill Davis