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Sierra Times: Powerful Liberty Advocates

from Angel Shamaya


They don't know I'm writing this. We didn't even talk about it, either. I just plain love these folks and want you to know about how great they are, and I'm letting you know why -- and how to help. is an "of the people, by the people, for the people" organization who deserves respect, support and attention. They consistently cover a wide range of freedom-related issues -- including firearms liberties.

As with many smaller liberty advocacy groups, the good people pulling it all together at SierraTimes sacrifice personal wants and needs for the cause of Freedom -- and they struggle to make ends meet. While socialists give million dollar grants to anti-freedom groups who hate you because you own guns and plan to keep them, SierraTimes' leader, my friend, J.J. Johnson travels across country on his own dime to cover one single event in hopes of getting the scoop for you. He hungers deeply to inspire you, to activate you, to motivate you to find new inroads for our Cause.

The Real Truth is what SierraTimes is about.

And J.J. Johnson is a good man, too. Solid, clear, dangerously intelligent and insightful. Like all good leaders, he's taken one on the chin from time to time -- and will again, believe it -- but his heart is about one thing: Winning Back American Freedom.  Exactly what the liberal anti-rights people hate the most. I've had J.J. in my home, twice, and we've consulted by phone so many times I've lost count. We see eye to eye consistently. He loves our country deeply. And he and the fantastic team of Real Americans he's pulled together are doing a bang up job bringing news to you that you will never (never) find in the mainstream media.  Insights coming directly from your true family, right to your computer, for free, every day.  The changes and upgrades to their site to enhance your experience are wonderful, and there is more to come, too.

I've talked to J.J. a few times about setting up some kind of membership with his organization so he could get regular support, but I reckon he's just been too busy being Freedom's defender to set it up. He's got so many good people on board with now, keeping up with things is not a full time job; it's double time.  I know. Believe me I know.

So listen...  I'm not asking you to send a big fat check here. I'm not asking you to hock your wedding ring or even to skip the next gun show.

All I'm asking you to do is buy Some SierraTimes coffee. America's Conservative Coffee Company are Liberty Loving Allies, and they've come up with four special Sierra Times blends, just for you and me, so we can drink the same java while we work on rescuing Lady Liberty. And I'm not asking you to buy a year's supply, or even a month's supply.

Just one package to try it out.  That ain't that big a deal if you're already buying coffee anyway, right?

While you're at the site, click through his advertisers, as well.  People who support Sierra Times are our kinda people. They deserve our business.
