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Guns ARE for Killing

by Mike Teague

I'll be honest. I do not hunt, and I do not shoot for sport. 

When I go out to practice with my firearms, I'm practicing to return fire. I'm practicing to stop lethal threats to my safety or safety of another person. I'm practicing to kill.

My guns are weapons, not sporting goods. They ARE intended to be used to KILL PEOPLE. (Or at least STOP them. Death is a somewhat-likely side-effect)

Although I enjoy shooting for the fun of it, that is not the reason I wish to keep my firearms. I would never stand up and proclaim "I will fight for the right to punch holes in paper"

I have the odd idea that I should be allowed by law to kill in the course of self-defense. 

Enough said.

In Support of Mike's Position

You can almost hear the wheezing now.  "Oh, my horrid stars!  They admit it!"

Well, yes. The point of lethal force is to be lethal. Just like the warriors who fought and died in every modern war we've had, the war on the streets becomes one-on-one when some lowlife crackhead tries to stab your wife and take her purse. It's personal. It's survival.

And we understand one thing gun-haters simply refuse to address: it's better that a violent crackhead eat lead than letting him stab a young mother whose only crime was to look like an easy target.

Rosie O knows this, too.  Why else do you think she pays an armed bodyguard?

Ah, the wonderful lethality of ugly, nasty, mean-looking GUNS.