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Leafletting at The Patriot
by Michael Pelletier

Greetings, fellow patriots!

I just got back from standing out in front of the AMC Mercado 20 theater in Santa Clara. I was dressed in a colonial gentleman's suit, complete with tri-corner hat, handing out Second Amendment Foundation pamphlets entitled "The Founding Fathers' Booklet of Gun Quotes."

It was a ROUSING success!

I distributed nearly !!500!! of these booklets to theatergoers! Four and a half rubber-banded bundles of them! A dozen people shook my hand and thanked me, a good number of people identified themselves as NRA members, four groups of people took their pictures with me because of my costume, and six others complimented me on my attire and asked me where I got it.

Three people asked me "are you the Patriot?" My reply: "I'm one of many!"

One woman handed back the flyer and said "I don't support the NRA" -- isn't it funny how ALL pro-freedom information is presumed to be connected with the NRA? -- and another woman walked up and said "this is terrible propaganda!" and threw the leaflet at my feet. Couldn't handle documented historical fact, I guess. Oh well. These was the ONLY overt negative reactions I got out of all 500 leaflets, if you can believe it!

I was joined by Duane Darr of the Silicon Valley NRA Members' Council, who handed out fully 200 copies of the NRA-produced, full-color booklet of historical analysis of the Bill of Rights. Mark from the MC also joined us for a period of time early in the evening, and graciously bought us each a cup of coffee. And later in the evening a fellow from the BBS joined us as well, making good use of his time as he was waiting to get in to see "The Patriot" himself.

And what's even more exciting than having distributed between 400-500 leaflets is knowing that on average, each leaflet was shared by two to three people. That's as many as 1500 ordinary people from all walks of life reached with the reality about the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights!

I liken it to throwing pebbles in a pond. The act of handing someone a pamphlet is a small one, a tiny pebble. It takes only an instant, and in and of itself doesn't make much of a splash or change anyone's opinion. But as the ideas in the leaflet start that individual on a road to discovery of the truth about the struggle over gun rights and about the deceptions anti-self-defense lobby, and the ripples of that spread out within that person's own mind and out to the other people in their life, the results become far larger than the simple, tiny act of handing someone a leaflet, tossing a pebble into the pond of ideas.

We threw hundreds and hundreds of pebbles this evening. Think where that might lead by November 7th! Mel Gibson deserves hearty praise for making this firearms freedom publicity effort possible!

-Michael Pelletier. --

Self Defense: A Basic Human Right -

This is a fantastic idea, Michael!  Every last one of us is eventually going to see The Patriot.  Let's ALL, each and every one of us, commit to taking some tidbit of information to hand out to the folks who are shoe-ins for conversation.  One option to hand out as an unusual conversation starter is the ATF Election Day Notice.  The .pdf version is here, and the html version is here.  You are welcome to use anything on this web site as a handout, and we welcome the inclusion of our link so they know how to find out more.