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July 6, 2000

SALT LAKE CITY--A new website promoting Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes for Vice-President has recently been launched by supporters of Ambassador Keyes. The URL is

The site belongs to a grassroots organization called Keyes for Vice-President, a nationwide network of Keyes supporters who think a Bush/Keyes ticket is the Republican Party's best hope against Al Gore.

Stefani Stone, National Coordinator of Keyes for Vice-President, said the website makes a persuasive case that Keyes is the strongest possible choice for Bush's running mate.

Said Ms. Stone: "Bush needs Keyes to win in the fall. Keyes is the perfect complement to Bush. He will attract voters who feel disenfranchised, conservatives who would otherwise go to third-party candidates, minorities who normally feel little connection with the Republican Party, and pro-life Democrats who are looking for moral leadership."

Stone continued, "As an African-American woman in D.C. told me, 'He's the people's man,' because he unites Americans from all backgrounds around our nation's founding principles." Stone added that Keyes is known for his articulate speech, brilliant mind, and uncompromising integrity.

The website has been up since June 22nd. In its first 48 hours, it attracted 700 visits from people who learned about it by word-of-mouth or e-mail.

Visitors to the site will find a good selection of arguments for choosing Keyes, resources for promoting the Keyes-for-VP cause, background information about Keyes, speeches by Keyes, recent news items, endorsements, fliers, and photos of Keyes taken throughout the presidential primaries.

During the primaries, Ambassador Keyes attracted a broad following of passionate supporters who defied the Republican establishment and voted for Keyes' message of moral renewal and constitutional self-government. In twelve of those primaries, Keyes averaged a strong 16%. His greatest support came from Utah (21%), Minnesota (20%), Arkansas (20%), Idaho (19%), Montana (18%), New Jersey (17%), Iowa (14%), Oregon (14%), Wyoming (12%), and Alabama (12%). Keyes was the only Republican presidential candidate besides Bush to survive the primaries.

Keyes is a former U.S. State Department diplomat who has a Ph.D. in government from Harvard. He wrote his dissertation on America's founding documents. He was Ronald Reagan's ambassador to the U.N. General Assembly and later served as an Assistant Secretary of State.

On June 24th, the Idaho Republican Party endorsed Keyes for Vice-President at its state convention in Pocatello.

For more information on Keyes for Vice President, go to  To read about Ambassador Keyes going shooting with President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association and to see a picture from just one month ago of Keyes smiling enthusiastically with a gun in his hand, click here.