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By Mike Casper


"Know your enemy!" A great bit of centuries old military advice, and as "demon gun owners" we already know too many citizens who'd like nothing better than to see us all choppin' weeds down on Sheriff Bull S. Clinton's pea farm. I believe most of those hard core liberty haters are beyond salvage, but there's another much larger group of non-gunowning Americans who don't dislike us so much as just don't understand us. These are the potential allies we need to court. I think if we do enough digging we'll find that most of these non-gunners suffer from a lack of information and many from the outright scary misinformation being peddled by the left.

Too often bad information breeds fear, and fear is among the mightiest of motivations. Fear fueling the masses has been the prime mover behind the world's greatest atrocities going back thousands of years. The Romans were afraid of the Christian movement. The Holy See was afraid of the end of ignorance via Johannes Gutenberg's movable-print press and hence the end of it's reign as God's worldly arbiter. The Russians have always feared the savagery in themselves. The Germans feared the demise of their country through the deprivations inflicted by the first world war's victors. We modern believers in liberty seem to be entering an age when more and more Americans are being coerced to fear freedom.

Individually we are filled with fears that continually test us. Truth and knowledge help us overcome them. Family, friends, faith and community support us. Self sufficiency bolsters our resolve to not give in. Tradition gives us foundation. Good, unbiased education gives us the tools to understand our role. The means and ability to defend ourselves, our families and our country against all transgressors gives us the pride to stand tall among others like us.

What if you couldn't beat your fears? What if an evening trip to the corner food store filled you with such dread that you'd rather go without than leave the relative safety of your home? What if just the thought of guns, even for self protection, scared the hell out of you and the only people you knew who had them were the criminals you loathed and the police you mistrusted? What if you were old and infirm and had no family or friends?. Or were young, alone and with children?

What if the media; mainstream television, movies, newspapers and magazines even with national statistics showing a dramatic decline in crime, focused solely on murder, rape, robbery, driveby shootings, infanticide, child molestation and abuse and on and on. What if your Judges routinely turned loose the worst scum the world has ever produced when the arresting officers made trivial procedural mistakes? And finally, what if familiar, nationally known voices and faces in that same media told you that all of these fears and injustices could be magically erased by a simple panacea, a little compromise, a little new age adjustment of that ole' devil the second amendment?. Get rid of the guns, end the crime. No more fear, hmm? And what if you didn't have the basic education to understand the certain, tragic result, or worse yet just didn't care as long as the terrible feeling of helplessness might be made to go away?

That, fellow freedom lovers is some of what we are up against. We live in the richest, strongest, freest nation the world has ever known and yet many of our hard working brothers and sisters are letting themselves be readied to lose it all for an illusory sense of security.

Is it any wonder that they fall prey to the traders in fear and freedom? People who are afraid don't respond well to logic. They respond to emotion, to bombast, to the evangelistic fervor of the socialists. They respond to the moronic mutterings of the hypocritical talk show Rosies; To the self-serving lies of the politicians and their pimps the ubiquitous left-wing talking heads. They have been demagogued to believe in symbol over substance. Fiction over fact. The big lie.

We are slowly gaining the trust of many of these non-gunners. Rather than resorting to scare tactics as does the left, we do it by showing them the facts, by assuring them of the good intentions of the vast majority of American gun owners through our words and deeds. We are drawing them in ever larger numbers into our brother and sisterhood of gun owning, unafraid, free Americans and we welcome them to safe home with open arms.

Every day we're spreading the word. Neighbor to neighbor and by truthful and unbiased radio and television, newspaper and magazine coverage.; by the fastest growing communications medium the world has ever known, THE INTERNET!

Every mortal fears! The trick is to give fear a face, draw a bead and spit in it.