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Anonymous Frustration

by Anonymous Patriot

Before I get to the meat of why I'm writing this, a little (please bear with me) on my background.

I'm 29 years old. I grew up in Southern California, in a not-so-nice part of Los Angeles County. My whole life I've had two major interests: Cars and guns. The first part, cars, is mostly due to the fact that I grew up in a single parent household, and my single parent (mom) was always working overtime to make ends meet. For my birthday every year, she would take me to the L.A. Convention Center, where there was this huge car show, because it was really cheap to get in, and there were tons of things to look at, a lot of really cool free giveaway type goody bags, and free showings of "Smokey and the Bandit" all day. Just what the doctor ordered for a woman in her mid-20's who could barely afford to pay rent on time, let alone buy a lot of presents for her young son.

The second part, guns, probably came into play because I grew up watching reruns of The Rifleman, Bonanza, The Big Valley, and Wild Wild West on a crappy black and white set in that not-so-nice part of L.A. County. And also because of my mother's Southern Heritage, and her strong belief in the Constitution. Her father carried a .38 Special revolver for 30 some odd years in Texas, before I was even born. My mother had been brought up around guns, but never had much interest in them; they were for the men to deal with.

She wasn't at all surprised when I brought home a target that I'd shot with a .22 bolt action rifle from boy scout camp. She listened very patiently (for someone with extremely little interest) as I rattled on and on about the .22's, the .410 skeet shooting, the test firing (more like shoulder punishing) of the 12 gauge 870 and .30-06 Remington.

She also wasn't very surprised when I told her near the end of last year that I had no intention of registering my now-banned "assault weapons" with the State of California or anyone else. She agreed wholeheartedly with my position, and backed me up on it.
It's within the last few days that I have changed my position. I have every intention of registering all that they require me to register. For one reason: War.

I am growing weary of wondering "when". If they don't know what I have, they won't come for it.

Let me clarify one thing: I have no taste for blood. Growing up in that not-so-nice part of L.A. County, I got into plenty of fights with other kids my own age, because I was the only white kid on the block.

When I was in school, I got into plenty of fights with the white kids in my school, because I didn't live in their white neighborhoods. I have fought plenty, lost plenty, and won a few, as well. I can't say I enjoy it much, either way.

The one thing I don't want to do is shoot fellow Americans, traitorous or not. But if they come for my guns, which they will by means of registration, that's what will happen. My girlfriend already knows the drill: If the cops show up, she is to run to them and surrender immediately. When we talked about this, she initially refused to run, committing to stand and fight with me. I love her dearly for that. But my concern is to keep her safe. So, she runs, and lets the firefight ensue.

The last thing I want to do is die an untimely death. I will, however, die for something that is incredibly important. My rights. Period. It's nobody's business what I've got in my gun safe unless I'm trying to do harm with it. Period.

They'll know where to find me. They've probably known for years. It's what will be waiting for them that will be the huge surprise.
I can see no other alternative. Our Nation is collapsing into Socialist Tyranny, and most of the "people" that the Constitution seeks to protect either don't know, or don't care. I know, and I care.

Anonymous Patriot,

1) If they already likely know about you (and if you've ever sent in a 4473, they do), then why register to let them know more about what you have? PLEASE read Brian Puckett's Why I Will Not Obey California's Gun Registration Edict before you go and tell the government more about what is in your gun safe. If your commitment is as strong as you say it is - and I certainly believe you - then why lose the element of surprise? Why set yourself up as an even bigger target than you as a gun owner already are?

2) Keeping you alive as long as possible while you invest your time helping grow the ranks of people who understand this liberty-vital issue as well as you do is a good, good thing. We can use every last minute of your help to wake people up as quickly as possible to the legitimate concerns you express.

3) In response to your statement "I will, however, die for something that is incredibly important." --

Your willingness to surrender your life, if need be, in order to take a couple (or many) gun grabbers with you - be they gun confiscating "law" enforcers or tyrants who went too far beyond their limited duties and wiped their feet on the Constitution - is a noble position many of us share with you.

Look at a recent poll of ours where we asked,

"If all means of legal and civil recourse failed to restore our nation to a Constitutional Republic and widespread gun confiscations began, would you risk your life in a physical battle for Freedom?"

You will see that 99.6% of the people (of 2031 responses) said YES. We agree that the liberty of this great nation is worth paying the ultimate price for.

But do consider this paraphrased statement that has been made - stated in various ways - by military leaders throughout time:

"The purpose of war is not to die for your country; the purpose of war is to make some other poor bastard die for his country."

The point being, why put your attention on your own death when, in your life, you can do things for the cause? WE want you alive as long as possible, preferably all the way to the Victory Party, and we WILL win this "battle" for freedom, or I'll be dead right along with you.

One thing I like to say to people who are feeling the potential of war closing in on them and saying (which I've said, many times, mind you) that they are waiting for war to come to them is this:

"If you're already ready to lay your life down for the cause, why are you waiting until they come to you, anyway? Surely you're not suffering from a shortage of anti-freedom, constitution-killing tyrants in your state, are you?" :-) (And I smile as I say it.)

This usually helps people realize that they aren't really ready to engage physically, and they usually explore civil means to increase their own personal effectiveness for the cause.

4) Finding a good outlet for your fire - one that produces results that lead us back to higher ground - is a worthwhile, immediate endeavor. Sometimes, as a Frustration Vent, I go read General Patton's Speech to the Third Army Before D-Day to get fired up to press on. (Don't ever read Patton if foul language bothers you, but do read the intro to his speech, in any case.) Then, don't get mad, get even:

A) We're exploring legislation that will accomplish the stated goal of anti-gunners - to bar prohibited persons from purchasing firearms - that also keeps the records out of the government's hands. Though getting the hellbent governments to let something like we'll be presenting soon pass into law would be a real shocker, their refusal will show their hand on this non-existent "gun show loophole", hopefully, once again, swelling the ranks of liberty activists - and we're open to a real shocker, as well. People banded together can get some amazing things done.

B) We're also beginning a state legislative Liberty Caucus to team up with state legislators in order to provide them with ammo to use in our defense when more gun control laws surface. Along with being instrumental with key legislators, our goal is to target at least one anti-constitution roach for political extermination. Personally, I look forward to watching someone go down in flames for what they have done or attempted in my home state of Arizona. If you would like to form such an alliance with legislators in your state, count on our help to the extent we are able. I believe you'll also get help in the form of notification of local members from Larry Pratt and GOA, from Aaron Zelman of JPFO and from many other leaders once you're ready to put more information in all the right places. ("Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." ~~Maryanne Williamson)

C) We're also doing some healthy unifying with other gun rights groups. Our second meeting is coming up, and we're figuring out the best ways to combine forces. Would this help in your own local burg?

5) Fire yourself up by reading about our (your) recent victories, including but not limited to any of the following:

These VICTORIES are YOUR victories, my anonymous friend. When somebody wins, we ALL win, so celebrate. Then plot and scheme to create a win in your local area, and make it happen. Then tell us all about it so other activists can get inspired through your actions.

Wherever you are, there are many things - in our opinion - you can do before you commence to dispensing lead. You might start by doing our 5 Minute Activist items to get some of that ire put to good use. We update our 5 Minute Activism section 5 days a week, and quite a few people are hitting each new item, every day. See the left side of our home page each weekday for the latest, and send in your own ideas for others to use as grist for the Freedom Mill.

And I am glad you wrote what you wrote, my friend. It's good to be heard, and I assure you that there are many people feeling the same way. I urge you to Stay Strong. Many, many people are with you - more than you have any idea.

Angel Shamaya

PS. If you really want to let them know who you are and where you are, why are you publishing anonymously? :-)

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