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Our Constitution
Our Constitution Under Attack
Dave McPhail

Friday November 10, 2000


I have just been browsing around the web reading various news articles, commentaries, editorials, opinions, etc., concerning the recent presidential election and the subsequent problems involved with the election results. Here are a couple of personal observations.

The Constitution of the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights, the documents created during the founding of this country, guarantee freedom for all of us is in serious danger. As a consequence, our freedom, our way of life, yes, our very existence is in danger.

Hillary Clinton has indicated that she would support legislation to do away with the Electoral College. The Electoral College is in place as a result of the wisdom of the Founding Fathers of this country. The Electoral College is part of the Constitution. Hillary Clinton is in favor of eliminating the Electoral College as being "anachronistic."

Now, I have endured -- for limited periods -- listening to Hillary Clinton's rhetoric and B.S. for 8 long years, and I have noticed that while she speaks and I hear words emanating from her mouth, she says nothing. On the other hand, last night on "Late Night with David Letterman" Cokie Roberts -- while I disagree with her position on many issues -- made a statement that I wholeheartedly agree with. Cokie stated that even though the need for the Electoral College as originally intended may no longer be necessary, the Electoral College is even more necessary today to insure that every person and every state is fairly represented in national elections.

Cokie Roberts is an intelligent person (and quite funny as it turns out). When she speaks she actually says something intelligent. When she speaks, unlike Hillary Clinton, it is obvious that she knows her subject.

When we listen to the two women talk it is exceedingly apparent that Hillary Clinton is an imbecile. Further, her arrogance is exceeded only by her idiocy.

For someone considered by some to be the "smartest woman on earth" she exhibits an astounding level of stupidity and has taken leave of her senses if she thinks that she can bamboozle the rest of us with this "anachronistic" crap. Clinton said, "We are a very different country than we were 200 years ago," Mrs. Clinton said during a victory tour in upstate New York. "I believe strongly that in a democracy, we should respect the will of the people and to me, that means it's time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president."

She must obviously think we won't notice the subtle chipping away at the Constitution. If Clinton can push through an amendment to the Constitution eliminating the Electoral College, she would certainly attempt to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Well, I'm here to put Hillary Clinton -- and the rest of the country -- on notice. We aren't as dumb as you think we are. We have stood by as BHADBSL (Bill, Hillary, Algore, DiFi, Boxer, Schumer, Lautenberg, et al) have used every insidious, deceitful, conniving trick in the book in an effort to disarm us and destroy our freedom.

However, we realize that Hillary Clinton, the new Queen Bee of New York, is now by far the most dangerous person in America to our freedom.

I say now, how dare she, in all her arrogance, think that her wisdom is so much greater than that of Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Franklin, Monroe, Paine, and many other great men combined?

How dare she think that she can come along and do away with 200+ years of our history simply because she doesn't like the result of the voting in Florida?


This is just another example of the lengths to which these people will go to get what THEY want regardless of what we, the people demand.

I once had a conversation with an economics professor who made a comment about people and voting.

He said, "People who don't vote, shouldn't vote."

By the same token, I say, "People who are to stoopid to figure out a ballot, shouldn't vote."

While I don't always agree with the GOP, in this last election a vast number of votes for G.W. was a vote against Algore as our best hope of preserving our freedom, at least for a while longer.

That being the case, it is imperative that we rally behind George W. Bush as the people's choice as President of the United States.

Further, since we have observed the lengths to which Democrats will go to wrest the Presidency from Mr. Bush -- and therefore freedom from us -- the GOP simply must do everything within it's power to prevent Algore and the Democrats from taking the Presidency.

We have seen the enemies of freedom at work. We know their methods. It is high time that the Republicans and the rest of us learn the lessons and ways that our enemies have learned and use so well. We must abandon the MARQUIS OF QUEENSBERRY RULES. As the old saying goes, "We must fight fire with fire."

It is long past the time that we realize that we are involved in a struggle for our freedom and that we have to stop fighting as gentlemen. The old rules must be abandoned.

We can no longer tolerate the opposition's use of phrases such as "voting irregularities" and "disenfranchisement" as if we did something illegal.

We must bring to light the elitist's ultimate goal of establishing themselves as a ruling class over the rest of us and we must do so by whatever means necessary, no matter how conniving we must be.

On a recent episode of some feel good television show about some public school in Boston, the teachers were informed that they were going to be required to submit to fingerprinting. The teachers were outraged. They didn't want to be treated as criminals. Whoa, where have we heard that before? Could it be, oh, I don't know, ALGORE? Or maybe SB 273 in the PRK?

People, when are we gonna tell 'em enough is enough? When are we gonna tell 'em this far and no farther? When are we gonna tell 'em "We're mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore?" When are we gonna tell 'em we aren't gonna be treated as criminals anymore and make it stick?

For that matter, when are we going to stop acting like criminals? When are we going to stop apologizing for being gun owners? When are we going to stop allowing ourselves to be vilified simply because we desire to protect ourselves or enjoy a couple of hours at the range punching paper? When are going to tell them they aren't going to take our guns -- read that, freedom --from us?

The time is NOW!