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from L. Neil Smith


I'm happy to announce the publication of my first nonfiction book, LEVER ACTION -- a collection of 20 years' worth of essays, columns, and speeches. The truth is, I'm as excited about this as I was when my first novel, The Probability Broach, was published.

A couple of years ago, I was surprised to discover that many more readers seem to know me for my short political writings than for the 23 novels that bear my name. Now, within the pages of LEVER ACTION, you'll have a chance to find out why.

Behind the wonderful, colorful, silly cover of LEVER ACTION -- another Scott Bieser masterpiece, and the best graphic ever to appear on any of my books:

You'll read "The American Lenin", a warm, fuzzy, loveable little article about Abraham Lincoln that for some reason never fails to start an international flame-war, whenever it's reposted on the internet.

You'll learn the horrible -- and hilarious -- fate that befell my junior high school principal, the very first "bedwetting liberal" I ever met.

You'll see what I did to Canada's leading political magazine when that scruffy little rag made the stupid mistake of calling me a racist.

You'll find out why I believe that science fiction may be a dying art -- and what can still be done about it.

And you'll remember, with me, what the great Robert A. Heinlein meant -- and continues to mean -- to all of us.

Along the way, LEVER ACTION will offer you my views on victim disarmament (I coined the term "Vermont Carry"), Ruby Ridge and Waco, Feinstein and Schumer, Republicans in general, smoking, Bill of Rights enforcement, social (and other sorts of) Darwinism, how I predicted the collapse of the Soviet Empire, why I knew that Y2K would never amount to anything, what it will take to make America fulfill its promise, and why I hate fast-food breakfasts.

At 463 pages, LEVER ACTION is a big, fat, soul-satisfying book containing dozens of items that will amuse, elate, and enrage at the same time. It's the very thing for all of those who are fed up with the pastel, puny, and pusillanimous pronouncements of established conservatism and libertarianism.

It's also an absolutely perfect gift to give to those on the left whose actuarial life-expectancies you're interested in shortening. (I haven't caused a stroke or A heart attack yet, at least that I can prove, but I keep on trying.) Buy it now and my wife, my daughter, and three figure-skating coaches will thank you.

You can get your cop(y/ies) of LEVER ACTION in three different ways:

[1] To order by phone, call (800) 244-2224. Our order-takers are standing by (9-5 Pacific time) to accept credit card orders, at $21.95 plus $6 postage and handling ($27.95 total).

[2] To order by mail, send your check, money order, cash, or silver to:

Mountain Media 1475 Terminal Way Suite E, Reno, NV 89502

Make checks payable to Mountain Media. The price, again, is $21.95 plus $6 for UPS shipping ($27.95 total).

[3] To get a FREE copy, sign up for Vin Suprynowicz's terrific new newsletter, Privacy Alert. The charter-subscription fee is $72; LEVER ACTION is your premium for signing up. Send a check made out to Privacy Alert to:

Privacy Alert 1475 Terminal Way Suite E, Reno, NV 89502

For multiple copies, the following discount schedule applies:

1-4 books: $21.95 ea. 5-8 books: $17.50 ea. 9 or more books: $13.00 ea.


L. Neil Smith, Author: The Probability Broach; Forge of the Elders; Pallas; The Lando Calrissian Adventure; The Mitzvah (with Aaron Zelman) and Hope (ditto, forthcoming); and The American Zone (also forthcoming); et al.

A Sampling of L. Neil Smith's Articles on Guns, Gun Control (Victim Disarmament) and Liberty

If you have not read L. Neil Smith's The Probability Broach and you love America and her natural birthright of Freedom, READ IT. Following are a few samples of this man's work -- in case you've not yet savored his American stance for all that Liberty Lovers hold dear...