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We Need a New, Fast Computer Donated to Us

July 21, 2001 -- For the first few months after launching our website, we had several original cartoons a week coming onto our site, created specifically at our request by Mr. A.F. Branco.  We still have people asking us where he is -- "Where are my cartoons?!!" -- and we miss him, too. Below are links to a few of his cartoons, to jog your memory, or to show people who are new to our community what Mr. Branco is all about.

The primary reason we aren't seeing regular, new, hard hitting cartoons from our cartoonist is simply a matter of technical limitation. His computer, an old Pentium 100Mhz, is all but dead.  It's RAM capabilities are too small, it's got all kinds of other problems, as well -- and we need to get him a new computer that can put him back in business.

Do you know anyone who can get high quality, fast, reliable computers at wholesale prices?

Do you know anyone who would be willing to donate a good, fast computer with 512 Megs of RAM and a fast processor to a worthy cause?

We'd sure like to see more cartoons coming through -- to address current issues we as gun owners are facing in the war to preserve and restore our rights.  We're soon to present several of his best cartoons as T-shirts and other items, and we'd like to produce more cartoons on products, as well.  And all that stands between us and that goal is the need of a good computer.  As it stands, Mr. Branco isn't even checking his email, let alone producing cartoons for the internet.

If you or someone you know can help us get a great computer donated to, for use by our cartoonist, please do one of the two following things:

1)  Email the details to with a subject of KABA_COMPUTER_DONATION


2)  Call Angel Shamaya at (520) 522-8833 to help make arrangements to get Mr. Branco's computer delivered to his office so we can put him back on the road.

Mr. Branco is most familiar with IBM clones, so if you've got a line on MACs, that wouldn't work for our purposes here.

We look forward to your assistance.


Branco's Gun-related Cartoons