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September 11, 2001
A date which will TRULY "Live in Infamy"

by Gary Clark

On this date America has seen thousands of its people MURDERED by an act of war committed against this country by a group as yet unknown. Sooner or later who they awill become known, but there are several things we know already.

We know already that terrorists have repeatedly promised to attack American population centers.

We also know that all commercial airliners carry nothing but unarmed and undefended people who are helpless to do anything to thwart hijackers bent on suicide attacks of the sort that took place today.

The underlying commonality here is that we Americans have allowed a criminal element within our society to disarm us, leaving us "undefended."

And what has rendered us undefended? It's the criminal idea that "we don't need to defend ourselves" -- this "culture of disarmament" message delivered to terrorist and criminal alike, both domestic and foreign.

The criminals who seek to disarm us have passed laws banning defensive weapons in schools. The result:
schools have become "safe shooting zones" for any madman bent on killing a lot of people. Where weapons are banned, nobody can shoot back, so the shooter knows he's safe.

These same criminals who seek to disarm us have passed laws banning airline passengers from carrying weapons. The sure and certain result occurred today, with many thousands of potential aircraft filled with people with no means to stop an onboard terrorist. Even pilots and crew are prohibited from being able to resist hijackers by force.

Today's atrocity, the rash of school shootings in recent years and other similar incidents in restaurants and other public places are the DIRECT RESULT of the actions of a deeply rooted criminal element in American society. Who are these criminals? They are people who hate and fear guns and other weapons in the hands of citizens. They are people like the current senators from California and New York who, if they had their way, would see us all become helpless victims.

The more we take weapons away from the common people, the more we legislate "weapon free zones", the more of these incidents we will see. We will see more of this because the one common thread in all of it is the creation of an increasingly undefended and thus "defenseless" people.

So, who should we "blame" for today's mass murder in New York and the Pentagon?

When we can identify the foreign agents responsible we should, of course, blame them. And we should exact a quick and terrible retribution against them all.

But there are others to blame that we can readily identify who are here among us. They are the traitors in the Senate, House and government agencies who seek to disarm the American people. They are criminals like Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California. They are traitors like Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer of New York. They are people in rogue agencies like the BATF who are carrying on a campaign of terror against gun owning Americans. THESE ARE THE REAL CRIMINALS WHO ARE TO BLAME! They, and those who support them, are the ones our righteous rage should first be directed against.

Gary Clark is a writer, small business owner and staunch defender of the right of every individual to own, bear and use ANY type of weapon that can be carried on the person. He lives in Las Vegas and can be reached by e-mail at