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Attorney General Ashcroft and President Bush to Receive Thousands of Postcards Urging Enforcement of Second Amendment

Mail Campaign to Ashcroft:

"Do Your Duty -- Enforce Second Amendment"

May 20, 2002 -- Breaking with three years of "No Snail Mail" policy,'s first-ever mailing began arriving to thousands of gun owners over the weekend. Postcards urging Attorney General Ashcroft and President Bush to respond to the Petition for Enforcement of the Second Amendment will add to the over 20,000 signatures they have already received. Clean copies of the Petition were sent in the mailing as well, so copies can be made and more signatures gathered. (We also finally got our bumper stickers out to our members and supporters -- sorry it took so long.)

Gun owners who receive the package are strongly urged to immediately send the postcards to further pressure Mr. Ashcroft to do his duty. "The Attorney General's words in defense of the individual right to keep and bear arms are encouraging," said's Founder and Director, Angel Shamaya. "But words alone will not stop the daily assaults on our basic rights. We expect and have requested significant action, and we are long overdue for a formal response to our Petition. While the DOJ and the Bush Administration are playing politics, decent Americans are being abused for merely exercising their rights. Action speaks much louder than words."

The Petition is a joint project of and Citizens of America ( David Codrea, Petition Founder and Coordinator COA President, Brian Puckett, join KABA in urging gun owners to send in the postcards, copy the Petition, recruit more signatures, and ask their activist friends to get involved in this important and potentially historical project.

All gun owners and liberty advocates who have not yet printed, signed and mailed a Petition are encouraged to do so immediately. Copies of the Petition can be accessed by going to If you'd like to print postcards and have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can go to the following address to run as many copies as you like: Be sure to use a heavier paper suitable for use as a postcard. (NOTE: If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free download of the program is available from Adobe by going to the following address:

Also, for those WHO HAVE ALREADY SIGNED the Petition, please send Mr. Ashcroft and Mr. Bush an email by clicking here.

Enough with lofty words about the individual right to keep and bear arms, Mr. Ashcroft. You're from Missouri -- "Show us!"

Related Petition News & Information:  Petition Pages