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To conquer is to occupy

By Barry Bright
Free Kentucky

In the process of reading an essay/column on peaceful secession a few thoughts came to my mind.

Secession almost always involves blood conflict. We can bet that whatever dictator is living in the White House whenever Hawaii, Utah, Mississippi or Kentucky tries to secede will use military force against the "rebels". 

That’s what happened the last time our Federal Government’s ability to tax a certain region was challenged. The brainwashed greedy apathetic idiots outnumbered those seeking Liberty in those days and they still do.

Yes the Soviet Union broke up. But why did they let some states go while fighting bloody wars to maintain control over others?

The issues involved are about nothing but resources. That’s why land has been quarantined in the western states. That’s why forest fires are allowed to "rage" that will burn homes and discourage people from living in areas that the powers-that-be don’t want them in while destroying and rendering sterile the same environment the "eco-wackos" claim they’re out to save.

I am no tactical genius, but I understand a basic tenet of the infantry: a land is not conquered or occupied until it is safe to move about without fear, whether this is because one is armed or because the populace is so pacified that they fear to raise a finger against you.

Let’s think about this a moment. We live in a modern police state, far worse than the one the Founding Fathers fought an eight year war to throw off, far more efficient and user-friendly than anything the Nazis or the Stalinists could have dreamed up. 

Clinton, Gore and the Republicrat leadership know they can tease us with their lies and false promises because they know they don’t need jack-booted thugs with sub-machine guns on every corner. The corporate fascist-owned newswhores know they can get away with deceiving the average person into thinking they are "free" because they have the greatest weapon heretofore used against the minds of once-free men, the television.

No I’m not blaming a "tool" for the downfall of man. But I will claim it is what I wrote, the best weapon yet used to keep us down.

Our contemporary Nazis, Gestapos and KGB agents feel free to move about because they know there is yet no congealed movement to challenge their power. There are no children on bicycles to gun them down in the streets. No real leadership to tell the restoration gunmen who to target.

I have considered for some time that if all those foreign "terrorists" were as "bad" as the newswhores like to constantly remind us, why have they not yet done us all the favor of nuking New York City, a major throne of the "great Satan"? It is, in my humble opinion, because our police state is just that efficient in keeping track of their doings, probably mostly because there are so few of them.

Most of the rest of humanity is content to keep its head in the trough until its turn with the butcher is decided by the lazy licentious state. Why bring attention to one’s self and be brought before the knife earlier than needed?

So with secession everyone can live in their own little area? Yeah right. How many Berlin Walls can we tolerate on this planet? How many could we tolerate on this continent? If by some miracle we could convince all the Kentucky, southern, Midwestern whatever "Liberals" to move to the northeast or wherever, they would by their nature construct the "walls", probably made of bits and bytes rather than bricks, keeping us out, and making prisoners of those not wealthy or smart enough to move in time, or those not willing to leave their homelands.

The simple fact is "they" wouldn’t all move. A few of them might, to make the deception look good. They are natural liars. The "revolution" is their reason for being. In a generation the same problems we face now would re-arise.

The monsters have to be able to tax their serfs so they can maintain their utopian police state. The modern Marxist/corporate fascist partnership will not be satisfied with whatever portions of the pie. "Communism," by whatever name, has been "global" since its inception, and its inception far predates Karl Marx.

I’ve been ready for "Liberal" season for some time, though I would give much to be able to avoid it, if it were possible.

I want to be free to travel the planet, with my most basic right at my side, and recognized by all, and with love in my heart for those I meet. The sad part is, it’s not our job to throw the tares into the fire. But we can move the ones who stamp on our roots.