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Do we know who the Patriots, Traitors and Heroes of today really are?    

By Dick Gentile

We talk very little today of patriots and traitors and perhaps that is a good thing because I dare say very few of us truly know the meaning of each term. Webster says a patriot is one who loves his country and zealously supports its authority and interest, and a traitor is one that betrays another’s trust, or is false to an obligation, or duty.  I have recently found that many of our contemporaries confuse a patriot with a hero. Webster defines a hero as one marked by courage and daring. Our current generation has no idea what a patriot is and is really confused with what makes a person a hero. For example, today we find the terms "prisoner of war" and "hero" used synonymously. Unfortunately not every prisoner of war comes even close to earning the title of hero. We even find people of today so confused that they debase the title of hero by bestowing it on athletes and entertainers. Most of my generation thinks of Sergeant Alvin York, Lieutenant Audie Murphy and the other “Medal of Honor” winners as heroes.

Lets go back to just what a patriot is. A true patriot may or may not be a hero. For example, every signer of our Declaration of Independence earned the title of patriot when they signed their names to that great document. In signing, they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Yes indeed that action took courage, but it is what happened to these men later that made them true heroes.

Who were these men that signed our Declaration of Independence? They were lawyers, jurists, merchants; they were plantation owners and farmers. By the standard of that time they were all men of means and all well educated and they valued liberty. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged:

"For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

They signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well what they and their families would pay for this act. This act was not only patriotic, but many would say also daring and courageous; thus making them heroes.

When I think of a traitor from that period of our history, General Benedict Arnold jumps to mind because this man was a patriot turned traitor. For five years, Arnold served the Patriot’s side of this nation's war for independence with distinction. In one battle after another, including a dangerous assault against the center of the British line at Saratoga, he showed his courage and daring and was again wounded in the leg. No general was more imaginative, no field officer more daring, and no soldier more courageous than Arnold. Yet Arnold has gone down in history not as a patriot, not as a hero, but as a villain, a military traitor who, as commander of the American fort at West Point, New York, in 1780, schemed to hand it over to the British. Hated in America and treated with contempt and coldness in Britain. Arnold died, as ever traitor should, a man without a country.

Perhaps we were never taught, or have forgotten we were British subjects at that time and we fought our own government for independence! With that thought in, mind you can understand why our Founding Fathers had a hatred for standing armies, and made sure through the second amendment for everyone of us to be armed.

In a sad time of American history, our once proud and glorious nation was at the brink of suicide. Abraham Lincoln, in talking about our nation's danger, said

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we ourselves must be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we must live through all times, or die by suicide.”

Almost any student of history can point to our present Federal Branch of Government to prove Lincoln correct. The men and women in the three branches of our Federal Government swore an oath of office to uphold and defend Our Constitution. They are traitors because their actions subvert the Constitution and they betray the trust of this nation and their obligation to duty.

Furthermore, in the Judicial Branch, it is quite an easy matter to check the rulings of the nine Supreme Court Justices to determine the fact that we presently have only three patriots, four traitors and two [Kennedy and O’Connor] that have not quite made up their minds. In the Legislative Branch’s Senate we have at best two wannabe patriots and the other ninety-eight are all traitors to the core. In the House of Representatives we have at least five and perhaps as many as ten patriots in the four hundred and thirty five men and women that serve as our elected Representatives. Again one only has to check the voting records to see that most of these so call honorable Representatives sold out the Constitution and the people of this nation to further their own political careers. Without a doubt the most corrupt branch of the Federal Government for almost a hundred years has been the Executive. Woodrow Wilson to William Jefferson Clinton have all been traitors, some just more so than others. All you have to do is read the records that are released about thirty years after they have left office to see they were all liars and subverted the Constitution with Executive Orders and corrupt endeavors. The present chief traitor is so brazen that he and his entire administration work openly to sellout our sovereignty and Constitutional Freedoms for a "One World Order".

We should never take the terms patriot, hero, freedom and liberty for granted. We must no longer accept a traitor in our government for any reason. Please take a few minutes today and ponder how we can support the few men and women today that strive to meet the mark of patriotism set by our Founding Fathers.

Then please silently thank God and these patriots, and, in their honor, do something to save this nation and the freedom they fought so hard and paid such a high price for. Is that too much to ask?