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United Nations - betrayal of Thomas Jefferson's Vision

by A Benton Edmons, II


This was written by my father, and he has given me permission to pass this to this and other similar groups.

It is good to know that there are people who are really and truly working for the preservation of our democratic republic - as Thomas Jefferson so aptly called our country's status. He also was the major founder of the Democratic-Republican Party, which was his vehicle for being elected to the Presidency: Sadly, long after dropping the word "republican" from the party name, between the time of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, and onward, Jefferson's (Democratic) political party has been used to reverse and betray it's founders ideas.

Most of the Constitutional Conventioneers did not immediately realize that they were forming a new type of government when they "married" the best parts of both democracy and republic to each other to form the Constitution of the united States of America, giving birth to the democratic republic form of governing (of the people, by the people, and FOR the people, as Lincoln put it). 

Like Jefferson, who said, "Democracy is the worst possible form of government ever devised by man!", my worst fear is of becoming a democracy, which can only be justifiably referred to as "MAJORITY RULE WITHOUT LIMITATION"!. A democracy has no permanent protections for individuals, minorities or pluralities. Most people just do not realize why the socialists (regardless of which faction: nazis, communists, fascists, ultra liberals, religious dictatorships and cults, or others) want the inhabitants of these united States of America to accept that we are a democracy; The reason is simple, in a democracy a majority vote could to rescind the Constitution that protects the people from government abuse. Proponents of the UN are the major force behind elimination of the Constitution (protected American rights and freedoms).

Why do so many left wing "news" personalities constantly refer to our country as a democracy? They are part of the push toward ending this country's sovereignty/independence! Most people who are not well schooled in forms of government already believe that we, and several other countries, such as England and Deutschland ("Germany"), are democracies. It is a very dangerous acceptance. Once a vast majority of Americans accept or believe this propaganda, the demagogues at the top will have won. They will be able to convince a majority to rubber stamp their intentions.

Be wary; who said, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance"?