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Pro Gun Groups Denounce John McCain


For Immediate Release
Oregon Firearms Federation
Kevin Starrett, President/Founder
Contact: (503) 263-5830

Pro Gun Group responds to John McCain
October 23, 2000

The Oregon Firearms Federation today announced the start of a state wide radio campaign condemning Senator John McCain for blatant hypocrisy in his campaign for new restrictions on Second Amendment liberties.

“McCain has clearly learned something about collaboration,” said Federation Director Kevin Starrett. 

In the radio spots, O.F.F. points out that McCain is using millions in out of state soft money to attack the privacy of Oregonians while condemning the use of soft money by others.

Starrett pointed out that McCain is appearing in ads urging the passage of Ballot Measure 5 in Oregon.

While Measure 5 would compel Oregonians to submit to intrusive background checks and require police permission before they could transfer a firearm to anyone including a spouse, no such law is on the books in Arizona - Senator McCain's home state.

“Senator McCain has sold out an American right to help increase the power of the folks who brought us Filegate,” Starrett said. “After years of lecturing us about the evils of soft money, he accepts millions of it to stay in the national spotlight. McCain is a pathetic example of the corrosive effects of being a career politician. We suggest John return to Arizona and let Oregonians make their own decisions.”

Arizona-based is also quite ashamed of Senator McCain's choice to pounce on other states to keep himself in the limelight. Founder and Director, Angel Shamaya, called Senator McCain's recent radio and television commercials "insulting not only to the citizens of Arizona John McCain was hired to serve, but insulting to every free citizen in our nation, and doubly insulting to the good citizens of Colorado and Oregon." Said Mr. Shamaya, "John McCain failed in his bid for the Presidency, in part, because gun owners knew he was a wishy washy turncoat when it came to safeguarding the right to keep and bear arms. Not only are we grateful McCain failed in his bid to take the oval office, we don't want him here and wish he'd go back to Vietnam -- where he seemed to fare much better than 98% of the POW's who returned to America."

Gun owners all across America were leery of sending McCain to the White House. McCain has shown his true colors in a number of gun votes, gun debates and televised interviews. Gun owners who are tuned in to the struggle to preserve and restore the civil right of self-defense see right through Transparent John. He's just another fading slick politician who thirsts for power, defies his oath to the Constitution, and insults the people to whom he is supposed to answer.

In the wake of McCain's anti-freedom call to force private gun transfers through government registration schemes in both Colorado and Oregon, ringing through the hills as hunting seasons get underway, if you listen closely, you can hear the unmistakable, "Booooooooooooooooooo." That's your curtain call, John McCain. We were all right about you. We take solace only in the fact that -- in your declining health -- your days defiling America are numbered.