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Letter to Seattle Times Columnist & Gun Hater

Originally published on this website August 24, 2000

Letter to Nicole Brodeur (, columnist for the Seattle Times in response to her article:

TO: Nicole Brodeur (

RE: What part of 'guns kill people' don't we understand?

In the subject article you state:

"Take the guns out of any of those situations - the fistfight in Everett, the knock at the door in Marysville, and the firing ranges - and no one would have been shot. There may have been altercations, broken glass, or blood. "

I have concluded that the whole gist of your article is that if guns are "taken away" none of these accidents would have happened. You just may be correct but lets consider just how many such accidents occur in the US per year? A few hundred? A couple thousand? Actually in 1997 there were 1500 accidental firearms deaths according to the National Safety Council's 1998 Accident Facts. Sounds like a lot, but compare that to the 2 - 2.5 MILLION defensive uses of firearms you forgot to mention; oops. Why is it that you maniacal little media socialists never seem to report the other side of the story? You have the facts, we repeatedly lead you to them, you simply refuse to report them. Your agenda is quite clear.

Even more amazing is your including the King County sheriff's incident, by which you seem to suggest that the Police should also be disarmed for "our" safety (chuckle). Unbelievable, and so very sad.

Of course your argument to all of this apparently is that if we "took the guns away" that we would no longer need to defend ourselves with guns either. To dispel that ignorance you need look no further than the UK, whose recent nearly total gun ban has brought about a violent upsurge in assaults against (newly) defenseless victims by CRIMINALS (you know, those pesky critters who don't obey the law?).

Great plan lady, but I'll be keeping my guns.

The truth is only a click away, if you can handle it:

I dare you.

Patriot (aka Pa.Patriot)


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