Lawmakers Push Bush on Gun Ban Stance
by Joanne Kenen, Reuters
May 14, 2003
"Pressed by some Democrats for an unambiguous signal that President Bush supports extending the 1994 ban on assault weapons, a White House official on Wednesday instead said the ban's fate rested in the hands of Congress."
keeps low profile on gun ban
May 14, 2003
"The president has not mentioned it in public and has
not issued written statements in his name."
Most Sweeping Gun Ban Ever Introduced in Congress Clinton
Gun Ban "Reenactment" Bans Millions More Guns
May 13, 2003
2038, introduced by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.),
does not just "reenact" or
"reauthorize" the 1994
Clinton ban, the so-called "assault weapon"
law. It bans millions more guns. And it begins
backdoor registration of guns. All told, it's a giant
step closer to the goal stated by Clinton gun ban sponsor
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), on CBS 60 Minutes
"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the
United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of
them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I
would have done it." There is no 10-year sunset
provision in the bill. H.R. 2038 permanently
bans every gun that is currently banned and, with
numerous, overlapping provisions:"
DeLay sees assault weapons ban expiring in Congress
Bush supports ban
May 13, 2003
"The House of Representatives will not extend a 1994 assault weapons ban set to expire next year despite President Bush's call for its renewal, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said.
'The votes in the House are not there to reauthorize it,' said DeLay, a Texas Republican and staunch foe of gun control."
The gun control debate
by John R. Lott Jr., Washington Times
May 13, 2003
"In the gun control debate, labels are often
misleading. Assault weapon bans conjure up images of
taking machine guns off America's streets, and the news
media has often encouraged this view by showing machine
guns in their stories on the ban. Yet, the 1994 federal
ban has nothing to do with machine guns, only
semi-automatics that fire one bullet per pull of the
trigger. The ban arbitrarily outlaws some guns based upon
their name or cosmetic features, such as whether the gun
could have a bayonet attached."
Assault Weapons And
Assaults On The Constitution
by Rep. Ron Paul
May 9, 2003
"Suppose the Second amendment said 'A well-educated electorate being necessary for self-governance in a free state, the right of the people to keep and read books shall not be infringed.' Is there anyone who would suggest that means only registered voters have a right to read?"
Ban Aid
The real point of the "assault weapon" law
by Jacob Sullum, Reason Magazine
May 9, 2003
N.R.A., Bush
Supports Ban on Assault Weapons
by Eric Lichtblau, NY Times
May 8, 2003
"There are a lot of gun owners who worked hard to put
President Bush in office, and there are a lot of gun
owners who feel betrayed by him," said Angel Shamaya,
an Arizona gun owner who runs a Web site called ""
Seek Bush's Help on Assault Weapons Ban
by Joanne Kenen, Reuters
May 8, 2003
"Opening a drive to renew the 1994 ban on assault
weapons, a group of senators on Thursday challenged
President Bush to give them the high-profile assistance
they need to keep the law on the books."
Is It The NRA vs. The GOA In Texas All Over Again?
by Carl F. Worden,
May 1, 2003
"Do any of you happen to remember a dirt-bag by the
name of Representative Jack Brooks of Texas? ... Jack
Brooks allowed the Crime Bill [the '94 so-called
"assault weapon" ban] out of his committee to be
voted on, and it was subsequently passed into legislation
that just happens to come up for renewal under our current
president, George W. Bush. ... Incredibly, the NRA placed
its support behind Jack Brooks..."
gun-control issue
Washington Times
April 27, 2003
A good look at the so-called "Assault Weapons"
ban, its ineffectiveness and the need to get rid of it.
LaPierre Promises 1994 Gun Ban Will Be Defeated
by Jeff Johnson,
It's about time LaPierre semi-addressed Bush's idiotic
support for an unConstitutional gun ban.
targets ban on semi-automatics
compromise' group says gun-control politicians will pay
by Jon Dougherty,
April 24, 2003
gun control plan is threat to homeland security
Libertarian Party Press Release
April 23, 2003
As Semi-auto Issue Heats Up...
Official denials, attacks and silence abound
Gun Owners of America
April 22, 2003
Control Senators Cheer Bush
Schumer welcome president's stance on firearm ban
by Jon Dougherty,
April 22, 2003
Sunset the assault weapons ban
by Mary Lou Seymour, Rational Review
April 22, 2003
Answer? Out of the Question
By Dana Milbank, Washington Post
April 21, 2003
They actually printed a link to
referring to the poll
showing 92% of gunowners willing to abandon president Bush
if he signs the gun ban re-authorization.
nationwide coalition to fight the "Assault
Weapons" ban forms: Coalition Against the Semi-auto
Ban announced
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners
April 21, 2003
One-Termer Like Dad?
by Carl F. Worden,
April 18, 2003
Poll Covering Bush's Support of Gun Ban Renewal
7,472 people responded
Upset gun owners set to dump Bush
Shooters angered with White House support for firearm ban
by Jon Dougherty,
April 17, 2003
Weapons and Assaults on the Constitution
by U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
April 16, 2003
Welcomes President Bush's Support on Reauthorization of
Federal Assault Weapons Ban
April 16, 2003
surprise move, Bush backs renewing ban on assault weapons
KnightRidder Washington Bureau, April 14, 2003
General John Ashcroft Reverses Bush Administration
Position on Renewing Federal Ban on Assault Weapons, March 6, 2003
weapons ban back on the table; Feinstein irked by lukewarm
support for extension, March 6, 2003
Enforcement Groups to Announce Support for Reauthorizing
Federal Assault Weapons Ban
USNewswire, September 22, 2002