Before your organization
will be considered for membership in the Coalition Against
the Semi-auto Ban, you must copy this pledge into an email
and agree to abide by its tenets. Then, and only then,
email it to AWBan@KeepAndBearArms.com.
If you aren't willing to place your group in the position
of living up to this pledge, you don't have what it takes
to ally with us.
We, _______________________, recognize that the 1994 ban on modern firearms and ammunition magazines is illegitimate, unconstitutional and inexcusable.
The materials banned under this law are expressly protected under the Second Amendment to the US Constitution and cannot be lawfully denied to US Citizens.
As such, we demand that this law, which has been one of the single most egregious assaults on the rights of Americans, sunset as originally called for when it was enacted.
We pledge that we will work without reservation to hold any elected officials who support a reauthorization of this law or any version of it accountable
to their constituents, up to and including the President
of the United States. We will do this by vigorously informing and educating their constituents as to the nature, scope and implication of any and all actions taken in support of the semi-automatic gun ban reauthorization.
We will not be a party to any compromise on this issue, and will publicly denounce any public officials and/or organizations who are a part of any compromise on this issue. We intend a full repeal of this law, and anything short of
a full repeal is unacceptable.
We also state that any organization that claims to speak for gun owners but does not oppose reauthorization will be considered no different than the anti-gun zealots who promoted this attack on freedom in the first place.
We fully expect elected officials to protect the Constitutional Rights of their constituents and those who do not will be held accountable.
This pledge is
non-negotiable and will itself not "sunset." No excuses will be accepted for any politician who supports reauthorization.
Signature of Organization
of Organization Leader:
info: __________________
List of politicians your group intends to monitor, warn and, if necessary, expose and publicly condemn: